Contact us
If you need prices, measurements and weight, or if you want to book a transport, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible after we have received your inquiry or booking.
If you need prices, measurements and weight, or if you want to book a transport, please fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible after we have received your inquiry or booking.
Sindalvej 10
2610 Rødovre
CVR: 28489897
CEO Lars Stokholm
COO Jakob Stokholm
CFO Mette Wolter
Jakob Marckmann Stokholm
Mette Marckmann Stokholm
Lars Stokholm
Hjällaröd 116
SE-243 92 Höör
Org. nr: 5556904-7771
CEO Lars Stokholm
COO Mikael Bollhem
Sindalvej 10
2610 Rødovre
CVR: 28489897
Hjällaröd 116
SE-243 92 Höör
Org. nr: 556904-7771
Stokholm Transport A/S
Sindalvej 10
2610 Rødovre
CVR: 28489897
Stokholm Transport AB
Hjällaröd 116
SE-243 92 Höör
Org. nr: 556904-7771